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Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines

This guide documents guidelines for writing guides. This guide follows itself in a gracile loop.

1 Textile

Guides are written in Textile. There’s comprehensive documentation here and a cheatsheet for markup here.

2 Prologue

Each guide should start with motivational text at the top. That’s the little introduction in the blue area. The prologue should tell the readers what’s the guide about, and what will they learn. See for example the Routing Guide.

3 Titles

The title of every guide uses h2, guide sections use h3, subsections h4, etc.

Capitalize all words except for internal articles, prepositions, conjuctions, and forms of the verb to be:

h5. Middleware Stack is an Array
h5. When are Objects Saved?

Use same typography as in regular text:

h6. The +:content_type+ Option

4 API Documentation Guidelines

The guides and the API should be coherent where appropriate. Please have a look at these particular sections of the API Documentation Guidelines:

Those guidelines apply also to guides.

5 HTML Generation

To generate all the guides just cd into the railties directory and execute

rake generate_guides

You’ll need the gems erubis, i18n, and RedCloth.

To process my_guide.textile and nothing else use the ONLY environment variable:

rake generate_guides ONLY=my_guide

Although by default guides that have not been modified are not processed, so ONLY is rarely needed in practice.

To force process of al the guides pass ALL=1.

It is also recommended that you work with WARNINGS=1, this detects duplicate IDs and warns about broken internal links.

6 HTML validation

Please do validate the generated HTML with

rake validate_guides

Particularly, titles get an ID generated from their content and this often leads to duplicates. Please set WARNINGS=1 when generating guides to detect them. The warning messages suggest a way to fix them.

7 Changelog

  • October 5, 2010: ported from the docrails wiki and revised by Xavier Noria


You're encouraged to help in keeping the quality of this guide.

If you see any typos or factual errors you are confident to patch please clone docrails and push the change yourself. That branch of Rails has public write access. Commits are still reviewed, but that happens after you've submitted your contribution. docrails is cross-merged with master periodically.

You may also find incomplete content, or stuff that is not up to date. Please do add any missing documentation for master. Check the Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines guide for style and conventions.

Issues may also be reported in Github.

And last but not least, any kind of discussion regarding Ruby on Rails documentation is very welcome in the rubyonrails-docs mailing list.