1 What is Active Job?
Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into small units of work and run in parallel, really.
2 The Purpose of Active Job
The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure in place. We can then have framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry about API differences between various job runners such as Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs.
Rails by default comes with an asynchronous queuing implementation that runs jobs with an in-process thread pool. Jobs will run asynchronously, but any jobs in the queue will be dropped upon restart.
3 Creating a Job
This section will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a job and enqueuing it.
3.1 Create the Job
Active Job provides a Rails generator to create jobs. The following will create a
job in app/jobs
(with an attached test case under test/jobs
$ bin/rails generate job guests_cleanup
invoke test_unit
create test/jobs/guests_cleanup_job_test.rb
create app/jobs/guests_cleanup_job.rb
You can also create a job that will run on a specific queue:
$ bin/rails generate job guests_cleanup --queue urgent
If you don't want to use a generator, you could create your own file inside of
, just make sure that it inherits from ApplicationJob
Here's what a job looks like:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(*guests)
# Do something later
Note that you can define perform
with as many arguments as you want.
3.2 Enqueue the Job
Enqueue a job like so:
# Enqueue a job to be performed as soon as the queuing system is
# free.
GuestsCleanupJob.perform_later guest
# Enqueue a job to be performed tomorrow at noon.
GuestsCleanupJob.set(wait_until: Date.tomorrow.noon).perform_later(guest)
# Enqueue a job to be performed 1 week from now.
GuestsCleanupJob.set(wait: 1.week).perform_later(guest)
# `perform_now` and `perform_later` will call `perform` under the hood so
# you can pass as many arguments as defined in the latter.
GuestsCleanupJob.perform_later(guest1, guest2, filter: 'some_filter')
That's it!
4 Job Execution
For enqueuing and executing jobs in production you need to set up a queuing backend, that is to say you need to decide on a 3rd-party queuing library that Rails should use. Rails itself only provides an in-process queuing system, which only keeps the jobs in RAM. If the process crashes or the machine is reset, then all outstanding jobs are lost with the default async backend. This may be fine for smaller apps or non-critical jobs, but most production apps will need to pick a persistent backend.
4.1 Backends
Active Job has built-in adapters for multiple queuing backends (Sidekiq, Resque, Delayed Job, and others). To get an up-to-date list of the adapters see the API Documentation for ActiveJob::QueueAdapters.
4.2 Setting the Backend
You can easily set your queuing backend:
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# Be sure to have the adapter's gem in your Gemfile
# and follow the adapter's specific installation
# and deployment instructions.
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
You can also configure your backend on a per job basis:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
self.queue_adapter = :resque
# ...
# Now your job will use `resque` as its backend queue adapter, overriding what
# was configured in `config.active_job.queue_adapter`.
4.3 Starting the Backend
Since jobs run in parallel to your Rails application, most queuing libraries require that you start a library-specific queuing service (in addition to starting your Rails app) for the job processing to work. Refer to library documentation for instructions on starting your queue backend.
Here is a noncomprehensive list of documentation:
5 Queues
Most of the adapters support multiple queues. With Active Job you can schedule the job to run on a specific queue:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
# ...
You can prefix the queue name for all your jobs using
in application.rb
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = Rails.env
# app/jobs/guests_cleanup_job.rb
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
# ...
# Now your job will run on queue production_low_priority on your
# production environment and on staging_low_priority
# on your staging environment
You can also configure the prefix on a per job basis.
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
self.queue_name_prefix = nil
# ...
# Now your job's queue won't be prefixed, overriding what
# was configured in `config.active_job.queue_name_prefix`.
The default queue name prefix delimiter is '_'. This can be changed by setting
in application.rb
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = Rails.env
config.active_job.queue_name_delimiter = '.'
# app/jobs/guests_cleanup_job.rb
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
# ...
# Now your job will run on queue production.low_priority on your
# production environment and on staging.low_priority
# on your staging environment
If you want more control on what queue a job will be run you can pass a :queue
option to set
MyJob.set(queue: :another_queue).perform_later(record)
To control the queue from the job level you can pass a block to queue_as
. The
block will be executed in the job context (so it can access self.arguments
and it must return the queue name:
class ProcessVideoJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as do
video = self.arguments.first
if video.owner.premium?
def perform(video)
# Do process video
Make sure your queuing backend "listens" on your queue name. For some backends you need to specify the queues to listen to.
6 Callbacks
Active Job provides hooks to trigger logic during the life cycle of a job. Like other callbacks in Rails, you can implement the callbacks as ordinary methods and use a macro-style class method to register them as callbacks:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
around_perform :around_cleanup
def perform
# Do something later
def around_cleanup
# Do something before perform
# Do something after perform
The macro-style class methods can also receive a block. Consider using this style if the code inside your block is so short that it fits in a single line. For example, you could send metrics for every job enqueued:
class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
before_enqueue { |job| $statsd.increment "#{job.class.name.underscore}.enqueue" }
6.1 Available callbacks
7 Action Mailer
One of the most common jobs in a modern web application is sending emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it. Active Job is integrated with Action Mailer so you can easily send emails asynchronously:
# If you want to send the email now use #deliver_now
# If you want to send the email through Active Job use #deliver_later
Using the asynchronous queue from a Rake task (for example, to
send an email using .deliver_later
) will generally not work because Rake will
likely end, causing the in-process thread pool to be deleted, before any/all
of the .deliver_later
emails are processed. To avoid this problem, use
or run a persistent queue in development.
8 Internationalization
Each job uses the I18n.locale
set when the job was created. This is useful if you send
emails asynchronously:
I18n.locale = :eo
UserMailer.welcome(@user).deliver_later # Email will be localized to Esperanto.
9 Supported types for arguments
ActiveJob supports the following types of arguments by default:
- Basic types (
) Symbol
(Keys should be ofString
type) ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
9.1 GlobalID
Active Job supports GlobalID for parameters. This makes it possible to pass live Active Record objects to your job instead of class/id pairs, which you then have to manually deserialize. Before, jobs would look like this:
class TrashableCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(trashable_class, trashable_id, depth)
trashable = trashable_class.constantize.find(trashable_id)
Now you can simply do:
class TrashableCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(trashable, depth)
This works with any class that mixes in GlobalID::Identification
, which
by default has been mixed into Active Record classes.
9.2 Serializers
You can extend the list of supported argument types. You just need to define your own serializer:
class MoneySerializer < ActiveJob::Serializers::ObjectSerializer
# Checks if an argument should be serialized by this serializer.
def serialize?(argument)
argument.is_a? Money
# Converts an object to a simpler representative using supported object types.
# The recommended representative is a Hash with a specific key. Keys can be of basic types only.
# You should call `super` to add the custom serializer type to the hash.
def serialize(money)
"amount" => money.amount,
"currency" => money.currency
# Converts serialized value into a proper object.
def deserialize(hash)
Money.new(hash["amount"], hash["currency"])
and add this serializer to the list:
Rails.application.config.active_job.custom_serializers << MoneySerializer
10 Exceptions
Active Job provides a way to catch exceptions raised during the execution of the job:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) do |exception|
# Do something with the exception
def perform
# Do something later
If an exception from a job is not rescued, then the job is referred to as "failed".
10.1 Retrying or Discarding failed jobs
A failed job will not be retried, unless configured otherwise.
It's also possible to retry or discard a job if an exception is raised during execution. For example:
class RemoteServiceJob < ApplicationJob
retry_on CustomAppException # defaults to 3s wait, 5 attempts
discard_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError
def perform(*args)
# Might raise CustomAppException or ActiveJob::DeserializationError
To get more details see the API Documentation for ActiveJob::Exceptions.
10.2 Deserialization
GlobalID allows serializing full Active Record objects passed to #perform
If a passed record is deleted after the job is enqueued but before the #perform
method is called Active Job will raise an ActiveJob::DeserializationError
11 Job Testing
You can find detailed instructions on how to test your jobs in the testing guide.
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